Module qute.losses
Custom loss functions.
class CombinedMSEBinaryDiceCELoss (alpha: float = 0.5, regression_channel: int = 0, classification_channel: int = 1, include_background: bool = True, with_batch_dim: bool = True, *args, **kwargs)
Combined MSE and Dice Loss to handle the output of qute.transforms.objects.WatershedAndLabelTransform().
The input prediction and ground truth are expected to have one regression and one classification channel (e.g., inverse distance transform and seed points).
alpha: float Fraction of the MSELoss() to be combined with the corresponding (1 - alpha) fraction of the DiceLoss.
regression_channel: int = 0 Regression channel (e.g., inverse distance transform), on which to apply the Mean Absolute Error metric.
classification_channel: int = 1 Classification channel (e.g., watershed seeds), on which to apply the Dice metric.
include_background: bool = True Whether to include the background channel in the calculation of the DiceLoss.
with_batch_dim: bool (Optional, default is True) Whether the input tensor has a batch dimension or not. This is to distinguish between the 2D case (B, C, H, W) and the 3D case (C, D, H, W). All other supported cases are clear.
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class CombinedMSEBinaryDiceCELoss(torch.nn.Module): """ Combined MSE and Dice Loss to handle the output of qute.transforms.objects.WatershedAndLabelTransform(). The input prediction and ground truth are expected to have one regression and one classification channel (e.g., inverse distance transform and seed points). """ def __init__( self, alpha: float = 0.5, regression_channel: int = 0, classification_channel: int = 1, include_background: bool = True, with_batch_dim: bool = True, *args, **kwargs, ): """Constructor. alpha: float Fraction of the MSELoss() to be combined with the corresponding (1 - alpha) fraction of the DiceLoss. regression_channel: int = 0 Regression channel (e.g., inverse distance transform), on which to apply the Mean Absolute Error metric. classification_channel: int = 1 Classification channel (e.g., watershed seeds), on which to apply the Dice metric. include_background: bool = True Whether to include the background channel in the calculation of the DiceLoss. with_batch_dim: bool (Optional, default is True) Whether the input tensor has a batch dimension or not. This is to distinguish between the 2D case (B, C, H, W) and the 3D case (C, D, H, W). All other supported cases are clear. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if alpha < 0.0 or alpha > 1.0: raise ValueError("alpha must be between 0.0 and 1.0") self.alpha = alpha self.regression_channel = regression_channel self.classification_channel = classification_channel self.include_background = include_background self.with_batch_dim = with_batch_dim self.mse_loss = MSELoss() self.dice_loss = DiceLoss( include_background=self.include_background, to_onehot_y=False ) def forward(self, output, target): """Update the state of the loss with new predictions and targets.""" if len(output.shape) not in [3, 4, 5]: raise ValueError("Unsupported geometry.") # Do we have a 2D or 3D tensor (excluding batch and channel dimensions)? effective_dims = get_tensor_num_spatial_dims(output, self.with_batch_dim) if effective_dims not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError("Unsupported geometry.") # For simplicity, let's make sure the input tensors have consistent dimensions if effective_dims == 2: if self.with_batch_dim: if len(output.shape) == 4: # [B, C, W, H] -> [B, C, D, W, H] output = output.unsqueeze(2) target = target.unsqueeze(2) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported geometry.") else: if len(output.shape) == 3: # [C, W, H] -> [B, C, D, W, H] output = output.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(0) target = target.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(0) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported geometry.") elif effective_dims == 3: if self.with_batch_dim: if len(output.shape) == 5: # Already [B, C, D, W, H] pass else: raise ValueError("Unsupported geometry.") else: if len(output.shape) == 4: # [C, D, W, H] -> [B, C, D, W, H] output = output.unsqueeze(0) target = target.unsqueeze(0) else: # Already [B, C, D, W, H] pass else: raise ValueError("Unsupported geometry.") # Calculate the MSE loss mse_loss = self.mse_loss( output[:, self.regression_channel, ...].unsqueeze(1), target[:, self.regression_channel, ...].unsqueeze(1), ) # Calculate Dice CE loss (the one-hot conversion is done automatically) dice_loss = self.dice_loss( output[:, self.classification_channel, ...].unsqueeze(1), target[:, self.classification_channel, ...].unsqueeze(1), ) # Combine them linearly combined_loss = self.alpha * mse_loss + (1 - self.alpha) * dice_loss # Return combined loss return combined_loss
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
def forward(self, output, target) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Update the state of the loss with new predictions and targets.