Module qute.models.unet



class UNet (campaign_transforms: qute.campaigns._campaigns.CampaignTransforms, spatial_dims: int = 2, in_channels: int = 1, out_channels: int = 3, class_names: Optional[tuple] = None, channels=(16, 32, 64), strides: Optional[tuple] = None, criterion=DiceCELoss( (dice): DiceLoss() (cross_entropy): CrossEntropyLoss() (binary_cross_entropy): BCEWithLogitsLoss() ), metrics=<monai.metrics.meandice.DiceMetric object>, learning_rate: float = 0.01, optimizer_class=torch.optim.adamw.AdamW, lr_scheduler_class=torch.optim.lr_scheduler.PolynomialLR, lr_scheduler_parameters: dict = {'total_iters': 100, 'power': 0.95}, num_res_units: int = 0, dropout: float = 0.0)

Wrap MONAI's UNet architecture into a PyTorch Lightning module.

The default settings are compatible with a classification task, where a single-channel input image is transformed into a three-class label image.



campaign_transforms : CampaignTransforms
Define all transforms necessary for training, validation, testing and (full) prediction. @see qute.transforms.CampaignTransforms for documentation.
spatial_dims : int = 2
Whether 2D or 3D data.
in_channels : int = 1
Number of input channels.
out_channels : int = 3
Number of output channels (or labels, or classes)
class_names : Optional[tuple] = None
Names of the output classes (for logging purposes). If omitted, they will default to ("class_1", "class_2", …)
channels : tuple = (16, 32, 64)
Number of neuron per layer.
strides : Optional[tuple] = (2, 2)
Strides for down-sampling.
criterion : DiceCELoss(include_background=False, to_onehot_y=False, softmax=True)
Loss function. Please NOTE: for classification, the loss function must convert y to OneHot. The default loss function applies to a multi-label target where the background class is omitted.
metrics : DiceMetric(include_background=False, reduction="mean", get_not_nans=False)

Metrics used for validation and test. Set to None to omit.

The default metrics applies to a three-label target where the background (index = 0) class is omitted from calculation.

learning_rate : float = 1e-2
Learning rate for optimization.

optimizer_class=AdamW Optimizer.

lr_scheduler_class=PolynomialLR Learning rate scheduler.

lr_scheduler_parameters={"total_iters": 100, "power": 0.99} Dictionary of scheduler parameters.

num_res_units : int = 0
Number of residual units for the UNet.
dropout : float = 0.0
Dropout ratio.
Expand source code
class UNet(pl.LightningModule):
    """Wrap MONAI's UNet architecture into a PyTorch Lightning module.

    The default settings are compatible with a classification task, where
    a single-channel input image is transformed into a three-class label image.

    def __init__(
        campaign_transforms: CampaignTransforms,
        spatial_dims: int = 2,
        in_channels: int = 1,
        out_channels: int = 3,
        class_names: Optional[tuple] = None,
        channels=(16, 32, 64),
        strides: Optional[tuple] = None,
        criterion=DiceCELoss(include_background=True, to_onehot_y=False, softmax=True),
            include_background=True, reduction="mean", get_not_nans=False
        learning_rate: float = 1e-2,
        lr_scheduler_parameters: dict = {"total_iters": 100, "power": 0.95},
        num_res_units: int = 0,
        dropout: float = 0.0,


        campaign_transforms: CampaignTransforms
            Define all transforms necessary for training, validation, testing and (full) prediction.
            @see `qute.transforms.CampaignTransforms` for documentation.

        spatial_dims: int = 2
            Whether 2D or 3D data.

        in_channels: int = 1
            Number of input channels.

        out_channels: int = 3
            Number of output channels (or labels, or classes)

        class_names: Optional[tuple] = None
            Names of the output classes (for logging purposes). If omitted, they will default
            to ("class_1", "class_2", ...)

        channels: tuple = (16, 32, 64)
            Number of neuron per layer.

        strides: Optional[tuple] = (2, 2)
            Strides for down-sampling.

        criterion: DiceCELoss(include_background=False, to_onehot_y=False, softmax=True)
            Loss function. Please NOTE: for classification, the loss function must convert `y` to OneHot.
            The default loss function applies to a multi-label target where the background class is omitted.

        metrics: DiceMetric(include_background=False, reduction="mean", get_not_nans=False)
            Metrics used for validation and test. Set to None to omit.

            The default metrics applies to a three-label target where the background (index = 0) class
            is omitted from calculation.

        learning_rate: float = 1e-2
            Learning rate for optimization.


            Learning rate scheduler.

        lr_scheduler_parameters={"total_iters": 100, "power": 0.99}
            Dictionary of scheduler parameters.

        num_res_units: int = 0
            Number of residual units for the UNet.

        dropout: float = 0.0
            Dropout ratio.


        self.campaign_transforms = campaign_transforms
        self.criterion = criterion
        self.metrics = metrics
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.optimizer_class = optimizer_class
        self.scheduler_class = lr_scheduler_class
        self.scheduler_parameters = lr_scheduler_parameters
        if class_names is None:
            class_names = list(f"class_{i}" for i in range(out_channels))
        self.class_names = class_names
        if strides is None:
            strides = (2,) * (len(channels) - 1) = MonaiUNet(

        # Log the hyperparameters
        self.save_hyperparameters(ignore=["criterion", "metrics"])

    def configure_optimizers(self):
        """Configure and return the optimizer and scheduler."""
        optimizer = self.optimizer_class(self.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate)
        scheduler = {
            "scheduler": self.scheduler_class(optimizer, **self.scheduler_parameters),
            "monitor": "val_loss",
            "interval": "step",  # Call "scheduler.step()" after every batch (1 step)
            "frequency": 1,  # Update scheduler after every step
            "strict": True,  # Ensures the scheduler is strictly followed (PyTorch Lightning parameter)
        return [optimizer], [scheduler]

    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        """Perform a training step."""
        x, y = batch
        y_hat =
        loss = self.criterion(y_hat, y)
        self.log("loss", loss, on_step=True, on_epoch=True, prog_bar=True)
        return {"loss": loss}

    def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        """Perform a validation step."""
        x, y = batch
        y_hat =
        val_loss = self.criterion(y_hat, y)

        # Log the loss

        # Update the metrics if needed
        if self.metrics is not None:
            if self.campaign_transforms.get_val_metrics_transforms() is not None:
                val_metrics = self.metrics(
                    self.campaign_transforms.get_val_metrics_transforms()(y_hat), y
                val_metrics = self.metrics(y_hat, y)

            # Compute and log the mean metrics score per class
            mean_val_per_class = val_metrics.nanmean(dim=0)

            # Do we have more than one output classes?
            if len(self.class_names) > 1:

                # Make sure to log the correct class name in case the background is not
                # considered in the calculation
                start = len(self.class_names) - val_metrics.shape[1]

                for i, val_score in enumerate(mean_val_per_class):
                        f"val_metrics_{self.class_names[start + i]}",

        return {"val_loss": val_loss}

    def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        """Perform a test step."""
        x, y = batch
        y_hat =
        test_loss = self.criterion(y_hat, y)
        self.log("test_loss", test_loss)
        if self.metrics is not None:
            if self.campaign_transforms.get_test_metrics_transforms() is not None:
                test_metrics = self.metrics(
                    self.campaign_transforms.get_test_metrics_transforms()(y_hat), y
                test_metrics = self.metrics(y_hat, y)

            # Compute and log the mean metrics score per class
            mean_test_per_class = test_metrics.nanmean(dim=0)

            # Do we have more than one output classes?
            if len(self.class_names) > 1:

                # Make sure to log the correct class name in case the background is not
                # considered in the calculation
                start = len(self.class_names) - test_metrics.shape[1]
                for i, test_score in enumerate(mean_test_per_class):
                        f"test_metrics_{self.class_names[start + i]}",

        return {"test_loss": test_loss}

    def predict_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0):
        """The predict step creates a label image from the output one-hot tensor."""
        x, _ = batch
        y_hat =
        if self.campaign_transforms.get_post_inference_transforms() is not None:
            label = self.campaign_transforms.get_post_inference_transforms()(y_hat)
            label = y_hat
        return label

    def full_inference(
        data_loader: DataLoader,
        target_folder: Union[Path, str],
        roi_size: Tuple[int, ...],
        batch_size: int,
        overlap: float = 0.25,
        transpose: bool = True,
        output_dtype: Optional[Union[str, np.dtype]] = None,
        prefix: str = "pred_",
        """Run inference on full images using given model.


        data_loader: DataLoader
            DataLoader for the image files names to be predicted on.

        target_folder: Union[Path|str]
            Path to the folder where to store the predicted images.

        roi_size: Tuple[int, int]
            Size of the patch for the sliding window prediction. It must match the patch size during training.

        batch_size: int
            Number of parallel batches to run.

        overlap: float
            Fraction of overlap between rois.

        transpose: bool
            Whether the transpose the image before saving, to compensate for the default behavior of monai.transforms.LoadImage().

        output_dtype: Optional[np.dtype]
            Optional NumPy dtype for the output image. Omit to save the output of inference without casting.

        prefix: str = "pred_"
            Prefix to append to the file name. Set to "" to keep the original file name.


        result: bool
            True if the inference was successful, False otherwise.

        # Make sure the target folder exists
        Path(target_folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        # Retrieve file names from the dataloader
        input_file_names =
        if len(input_file_names) == 0:
            print("No input files provided to process. Quitting.")

        # Device
        device = get_device()

        # Make sure the model is on the device

        # Switch to evaluation mode

        # Instantiate the inferer
        sliding_window_inferer = SlidingWindowInferer(

        # Process all images
        c = 0
        with torch.no_grad():
            for images in data_loader:
                # Apply sliding inference over ROI size
                outputs = sliding_window_inferer(

                # Apply post-transforms?
                outputs = self.campaign_transforms.get_post_full_inference_transforms()(

                # Retrieve the image from the GPU (if needed)
                preds = outputs.cpu().numpy()

                # Process one batch at a time
                for pred in preds:

                    # Drop the channel singleton dimension
                    if pred.shape[0] == 1:
                        pred = pred.squeeze(0)

                    if transpose:
                        # Transpose to undo the effect of monai.transform.LoadImage(d)
                        pred = pred.T

                    # Type-cast if needed
                    if output_dtype is not None:
                        # Make sure not to wrap around
                        if np.issubdtype(output_dtype, np.integer):
                            info = np.iinfo(output_dtype)
                            pred[pred < info.min] = info.min
                            pred[pred > info.max] = info.max
                        pred = pred.astype(output_dtype)

                    # Save prediction image as tiff file
                    output_name = (
                        Path(target_folder) / f"{prefix}{input_file_names[c].stem}.tif"
                    c += 1
                    with TiffWriter(output_name) as tif:

                    # Inform
                    print(f"Saved {output_name}.")

        print(f"Prediction completed.")

        # Return success
        return True

    def full_inference_ensemble(
        models: list,
        data_loader: DataLoader,
        target_folder: Union[Path, str],
        post_full_inference_transforms: Transform,
        roi_size: Tuple[int, ...],
        batch_size: int,
        voting_mechanism: str = "mode",
        weights: Optional[list] = None,
        overlap: float = 0.25,
        transpose: bool = True,
        save_individual_preds: bool = False,
        output_dtype: Optional[Union[str, np.dtype]] = None,
        prefix: str = "pred_",
        ensemble_prefix: str = "ensemble_",
        """Run inference on full images using given model.


        models: list
            List of trained UNet models to use for ensemble prediction.

        data_loader: DataLoader
            DataLoader for the image files names to be predicted on.

        target_folder: Union[Path|str]
            Path to the folder where to store the predicted images.

        post_full_inference_transforms: Transform
            Composition of transforms to be applied to the result of the sliding window inference (whole image).

        roi_size: Tuple[int, int]
            Size of the patch for the sliding window prediction. It must match the patch size during training.

        batch_size: int
            Number of parallel batches to run.

        voting_mechanism: str = "mode"
            Voting mechanism to assign the final class among the predictions from the ensemble of models.
            One of "mode" (default" and "mean").
            "mode": pick the most common class among the predictions for each pixel.
            "mean": (rounded) weighted mean of the predicted classed per pixel. The `weights` argument defines
            the relative contribution of the models.

        weights: Optional[list]
            List of weights for each of the contributions. Only used if `voting_mechanism` is "mean".

        overlap: float
            Fraction of overlap between rois.

        transpose: bool
            Whether the transpose the image before saving, to compensate for the default behavior of

        save_individual_preds: bool
            Whether to save the individual predictions of each model.

        output_dtype: Optional[np.dtype]
            Optional NumPy dtype for the output image. Omit to save the output of inference without casting.

        prefix: str = "pred_"
            Prefix to append to the file name. Set to "" to keep the original file name.

        ensemble_prefix: str = "ensemble_pred_"
            Prefix to append to the ensemble prediction file name. Set to "" to keep the original file name.


        result: bool
            True if the inference was successful, False otherwise.

        if voting_mechanism not in ["mode", "mean"]:
            raise ValueError("`voting mechanism` must be one of 'mode' or 'mean'.")

        if voting_mechanism == "mean":
            if len(models) != len(weights):
                raise ValueError(
                    "The number of weights must match the number of models."

            # Turn the weights into a NumPy array of float 32 bit
            weights = np.array(weights, dtype=np.float32)
            weights = weights / weights.sum()

        if not isinstance(models[0], UNet) or not hasattr(models[0], "net"):
            raise ValueError("The models must be of type `qute.models.unet.UNet`.")

        # Make sure the target folder exists
        Path(target_folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        # Retrieve file names from the dataloader
        input_file_names =
        if len(input_file_names) == 0:
            print("No input files provided to process. Quitting.")

        # If needed, create the sub-folders for the individual predictions
        if save_individual_preds:
            for f in range(len(models)):
                fold_subfolder = Path(target_folder) / f"fold_{f}"
                Path(fold_subfolder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        # Device
        device = get_device()

        # Switch to evaluation mode on all models
        for model in models:

        # Instantiate the inferer
        sliding_window_inferer = SlidingWindowInferer(

        c = 0
        with torch.no_grad():
            for images in data_loader:

                predictions = [[] for _ in range(len(models))]

                # Not process all models
                for n, model in enumerate(models):

                    # Make sure the model is on the device

                    # Apply sliding inference over ROI size
                    outputs = sliding_window_inferer(

                    # Apply post-transforms?
                    outputs = post_full_inference_transforms(outputs)

                    # Retrieve the image from the GPU (if needed)
                    preds = outputs.cpu().numpy()

                    stored_preds = []
                    for pred in preds:

                        # Drop the channel singleton dimension
                        if pred.shape[0] == 1:
                            pred = pred.squeeze(0)

                        if transpose:
                            # Transpose to undo the effect of monai.transform.LoadImage(d)
                            pred = pred.T

                    # Store
                    predictions[n] = stored_preds

                # Iterate over all images in the batch
                pred_dim = len(models)
                batch_dim = len(predictions[0])

                for b in range(batch_dim):

                    # Apply selected voting mechanism
                    if voting_mechanism == "mean":
                        # Apply weighted mean (and rounding) of the predictions per pixel

                        # Iterate over all predictions from the models
                        for p in range(pred_dim):
                            if p == 0:
                                ensemble_pred = weights[p] * predictions[p][b]
                                ensemble_pred += weights[p] * predictions[p][b]
                        ensemble_pred = np.round(ensemble_pred).astype(np.int32)

                    elif voting_mechanism == "mode":
                        # Select the mode of the predictions per pixel

                        # Store predictions in a stack
                        target = np.zeros(

                        # Iterate over all predictions from the models
                        for p in range(pred_dim):
                            target[p, :, :] = predictions[p][b]
                        values, _ = torch.mode(torch.tensor(target), dim=0)
                        ensemble_pred = values.numpy().astype(np.int32)
                        raise ValueError(
                            "`voting mechanism` must be one of 'mode' or 'mean'."

                    # Type-cast if needed
                    if output_dtype is not None:
                        # Make sure not to wrap around
                        if np.issubdtype(output_dtype, np.integer):
                            info = np.iinfo(output_dtype)
                            ensemble_pred[ensemble_pred < info.min] = info.min
                            ensemble_pred[ensemble_pred > info.max] = info.max
                        ensemble_pred = ensemble_pred.astype(output_dtype)

                    # Save ensemble prediction image as tiff file
                    output_name = (
                        / f"{ensemble_prefix}{input_file_names[c].stem}.tif"
                    with TiffWriter(output_name) as tif:

                    # Inform
                    print(f"Saved {output_name}.")

                    # Save individual predictions?
                    if save_individual_preds:
                        # Iterate over all predictions from the models
                        for p in range(len(predictions)):
                            # Save prediction image as tiff file
                            output_name = (
                                / f"fold_{p}"
                                / f"{prefix}{input_file_names[c].stem}.tif"

                            # Get current prediction
                            current_pred = predictions[p][b]

                            # Type-cast if needed
                            if output_dtype is not None:
                                # Make sure not to wrap around
                                if np.issubdtype(output_dtype, np.integer):
                                    info = np.iinfo(output_dtype)
                                    current_pred[current_pred < info.min] = info.min
                                    current_pred[current_pred > info.max] = info.max
                                current_pred = current_pred.astype(output_dtype)

                            # Save
                            with TiffWriter(output_name) as tif:

                    # Update global file counter c
                    c += 1

        print(f"Ensemble prediction completed.")

        # Return success
        return True

    def load_from_checkpoint_and_swap_output_layer(
        checkpoint_path: Union[Path, str],
        new_out_channels: int,
        new_campaign_transforms: CampaignTransforms,
        class_names: tuple[str, ...],
        previous_out_channels: int = 1,
        strict: bool = True,
        verbose: bool = False,
        map_location: Optional[torch.device] = None,
        """Load a model from a checkpoint and modify it by replacing the last Conv2d layer
        with a new Conv2d layer that has a specified number of output channels.

        checkpoint_path: Union[Path, str]
            Full path to the checkpoint file to load the model from.

        new_out_channels: int
            The number of output channels for the new Conv2d layer.

        new_campaign_transforms: CampaignTransforms,
            New CampaignTransform for the loaded model.

        new_criterion: loss function
            New criterion for the loaded model.

        new_metrics: metrics
            New metrics for the loaded model.

        class_names: tuple[str, ...]
            Class names for the new outputs.

        previous_out_channels: int = 1
            Number of output channels in the last convolutional layer of the loaded model.
            Since this method expects a regression model, previous_out_channels defaults to 1,
            but it should work also for a different number of output channels.

        strict: bool: True
            Set to True for strict loading of the model (all modules and parameters must match).

        verbose: bool = False
            Set to True for verbose info when scanning the model. Use this if something goes wrong and
            you want to report an issue.

        map_location: Optional[torch.device]
            The device to map the model's weights to when loading the checkpoint. Default is None, which
            means the model is loaded to the current device.

        model: The model with the last Conv2d layer replaced by a new Conv2d layer with the specified number of output channels.
        # Check inputs
        if new_out_channels != len(class_names):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Please provide a valid number of class names ({new_out_channels})."

        # Load the model from checkpoint
        model = UNet.load_from_checkpoint(

        # Debug: assert that the campaign was replaced
        assert model.campaign_transforms == new_campaign_transforms

        # Debug: assert that the criterion was replaced
        assert model.criterion == new_criterion

        # Debug: assert that the metrics was replaced
        assert model.metrics == new_metrics

        # List to store all matching Conv2d layers
        matching_layers = []

        # Helper function to collect all matching Conv2d layers
        def collect_matching_conv2d_layers(
            module: nn.Module,
            previous_out_channels: int,
            depth: int = 0,
            for name, child in module.named_children():
                full_name = f"{parent_name}.{name}" if parent_name else name
                if isinstance(child, nn.Conv2d):
                    if verbose:
                            f"Found Conv2d layer ('{full_name}') with {child.out_channels} output channel(s)"
                    if child.out_channels == previous_out_channels:
                        matching_layers.append((module, name, full_name, child))
                        child, previous_out_channels, depth + 1, full_name

        # Collect all matching Conv2d layers
        collect_matching_conv2d_layers(model, previous_out_channels)

        # Ensure we found at least one matching layer
        if not matching_layers:
            raise ValueError(
                f"No Conv2d layer with {previous_out_channels} channel(s) found."

        # Get the last matching layer
        parent_module, name, full_name, last_conv_layer = matching_layers[-1]
        in_channels = last_conv_layer.in_channels
        out_channels = last_conv_layer.out_channels

        # Print the identified last Conv2d layer if needed
        if verbose:
                f"Found {len(matching_layers)} module(s) with {in_channels} input channel(s) and {out_channels} output channel(s)."
                f"Replacing last Conv2d layer ('{full_name}') with {in_channels} input channel(s) and {new_out_channels} output channel(s)."

        # Assert that the last Conv2d's output channels match the expected previous_out_channels
        assert (
            out_channels == previous_out_channels
        ), f"Expected last Conv2d output channels to be {previous_out_channels}, but got {out_channels}"

        # Create the new Conv2d layer and initialize its weights
        new_conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, new_out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
        if new_conv.bias is not None:
            nn.init.constant_(new_conv.bias, 0)

        # Replace the last Conv2d layer
        setattr(parent_module, name, new_conv)

        # Set the new class names
        model.class_names = class_names

        # Update hyperparameters to reflect new output channels and class names
        model.hparams.out_channels = new_out_channels
        model.hparams.class_names = class_names

        # Log the updated hyperparameters (including criterion and metrics)

        # Return the loaded and modified model
        return model


  • pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule
  • lightning_fabric.utilities.device_dtype_mixin._DeviceDtypeModuleMixin
  • pytorch_lightning.core.mixins.hparams_mixin.HyperparametersMixin
  • pytorch_lightning.core.hooks.ModelHooks
  • pytorch_lightning.core.hooks.DataHooks
  • pytorch_lightning.core.hooks.CheckpointHooks
  • torch.nn.modules.module.Module


Static methods

def full_inference_ensemble(models: list, data_loader:, target_folder: Union[pathlib.Path, str], post_full_inference_transforms: monai.transforms.transform.Transform, roi_size: Tuple[int, ...], batch_size: int, voting_mechanism: str = 'mode', weights: Optional[list] = None, overlap: float = 0.25, transpose: bool = True, save_individual_preds: bool = False, output_dtype: Union[str, numpy.dtype, ForwardRef(None)] = None, prefix: str = 'pred_', ensemble_prefix: str = 'ensemble_')

Run inference on full images using given model.


models : list
List of trained UNet models to use for ensemble prediction.
data_loader : DataLoader
DataLoader for the image files names to be predicted on.
target_folder : Union[Path|str]
Path to the folder where to store the predicted images.
post_full_inference_transforms : Transform
Composition of transforms to be applied to the result of the sliding window inference (whole image).
roi_size : Tuple[int, int]
Size of the patch for the sliding window prediction. It must match the patch size during training.
batch_size : int
Number of parallel batches to run.
voting_mechanism : str = "mode"
Voting mechanism to assign the final class among the predictions from the ensemble of models. One of "mode" (default" and "mean"). "mode": pick the most common class among the predictions for each pixel. "mean": (rounded) weighted mean of the predicted classed per pixel. The weights argument defines the relative contribution of the models.
weights : Optional[list]
List of weights for each of the contributions. Only used if voting_mechanism is "mean".
overlap : float
Fraction of overlap between rois.
transpose : bool
Whether the transpose the image before saving, to compensate for the default behavior of monai.transforms.LoadImage().
save_individual_preds : bool
Whether to save the individual predictions of each model.
output_dtype : Optional[np.dtype]
Optional NumPy dtype for the output image. Omit to save the output of inference without casting.
prefix : str = "pred_"
Prefix to append to the file name. Set to "" to keep the original file name.
ensemble_prefix : str = "ensemble_pred_"
Prefix to append to the ensemble prediction file name. Set to "" to keep the original file name.


result : bool
True if the inference was successful, False otherwise.
def load_from_checkpoint_and_swap_output_layer(checkpoint_path: Union[pathlib.Path, str], new_out_channels: int, new_campaign_transforms: qute.campaigns._campaigns.CampaignTransforms, new_criterion, new_metrics, class_names: tuple[str, ...], previous_out_channels: int = 1, strict: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, map_location: Optional[torch.device] = None)

Load a model from a checkpoint and modify it by replacing the last Conv2d layer with a new Conv2d layer that has a specified number of output channels.


checkpoint_path : Union[Path, str]
Full path to the checkpoint file to load the model from.
new_out_channels : int
The number of output channels for the new Conv2d layer.
new_campaign_transforms : CampaignTransforms,
New CampaignTransform for the loaded model.
new_criterion : loss function
New criterion for the loaded model.
new_metrics : metrics
New metrics for the loaded model.
class_names : tuple[str, …]
Class names for the new outputs.
previous_out_channels : int = 1
Number of output channels in the last convolutional layer of the loaded model. Since this method expects a regression model, previous_out_channels defaults to 1, but it should work also for a different number of output channels.
strict : bool: True
Set to True for strict loading of the model (all modules and parameters must match).
verbose : bool = False
Set to True for verbose info when scanning the model. Use this if something goes wrong and you want to report an issue.
map_location : Optional[torch.device]
The device to map the model's weights to when loading the checkpoint. Default is None, which means the model is loaded to the current device.


model: The model with the last Conv2d layer replaced by a new Conv2d layer with the specified number of output channels.


def configure_optimizers(self)

Configure and return the optimizer and scheduler.

def full_inference(self, data_loader:, target_folder: Union[pathlib.Path, str], roi_size: Tuple[int, ...], batch_size: int, overlap: float = 0.25, transpose: bool = True, output_dtype: Union[str, numpy.dtype, ForwardRef(None)] = None, prefix: str = 'pred_')

Run inference on full images using given model.


data_loader : DataLoader
DataLoader for the image files names to be predicted on.
target_folder : Union[Path|str]
Path to the folder where to store the predicted images.
roi_size : Tuple[int, int]
Size of the patch for the sliding window prediction. It must match the patch size during training.
batch_size : int
Number of parallel batches to run.
overlap : float
Fraction of overlap between rois.
transpose : bool
Whether the transpose the image before saving, to compensate for the default behavior of monai.transforms.LoadImage().
output_dtype : Optional[np.dtype]
Optional NumPy dtype for the output image. Omit to save the output of inference without casting.
prefix : str = "pred_"
Prefix to append to the file name. Set to "" to keep the original file name.


result : bool
True if the inference was successful, False otherwise.
def predict_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0)

The predict step creates a label image from the output one-hot tensor.

def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx)

Perform a test step.

def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx)

Perform a training step.

def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx)

Perform a validation step.