Module qute.transforms.objects
Object-related transforms.
class LabelToTwoClassMask (border_thickness: int = 1, drop_eroded: bool = False)
Maps a labels image to a two-class mask: object and border.
Supported and expected are either 2D data of shape (C, H, W) or 3D data of shape (C, D, H, W).
The alternative possibility of 2D batch data (B, C, H, W) can't robustly be distinguished from 3D (C, D, H, W) data and will result in unexpected labels.
:int = 1
- Thickness of the border to be created. Please notice that the border is obtained from the erosion of the objects (that is, it does not extend outside the original connected components.
:bool = False
- Objects that are eroded away because smaller than the structuring element (e.g., flat
in z direction) will have only border. Set
drop_eroded = True
to remove also the border.
Please notice that if the input tensor is black-and-white, connected component analysis will be applied by the transform before creating the two classes. This may cause objects to fuse.
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class LabelToTwoClassMask(Transform): """Maps a labels image to a two-class mask: object and border. Supported and expected are either 2D data of shape (C, H, W) or 3D data of shape (C, D, H, W). The alternative possibility of 2D batch data (B, C, H, W) can't robustly be distinguished from 3D (C, D, H, W) data and will result in unexpected labels. """ def __init__(self, border_thickness: int = 1, drop_eroded: bool = False): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- border_thickness: int = 1 Thickness of the border to be created. Please notice that the border is obtained from the erosion of the objects (that is, it does not extend outside the original connected components. drop_eroded: bool = False Objects that are eroded away because smaller than the structuring element (e.g., flat in z direction) will have only border. Set `drop_eroded = True` to remove also the border. Please notice that if the input tensor is black-and-white, connected component analysis will be applied by the transform before creating the two classes. This may cause objects to fuse. """ super().__init__() if border_thickness <= 0: raise ValueError("The border thickness cannot be zero!") self.border_thickness = border_thickness self.drop_eroded = drop_eroded def __call__( self, data: Union[torch.tensor,, np.ndarray] ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Maps a labels image to a two-class mask. Parameters ---------- data: Union[torch.tensor,, np.ndarray] Input tensor Returns ------- tensor: torch.Tensor | monai.MetaTensor Tensor as with two-class mask. """ if not type(data) in [torch.Tensor,, np.ndarray]: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported input type {type(data)}.") # Keep track of whether we are working with MONAI MetaTensor is_meta_tensor = type(data) is # Get the number of spatial dimensions num_spatial_dims = get_tensor_num_spatial_dims(data, with_batch_dim=False) # Make sure the channel dimension has only one element if data.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError("The input tensor must have only one channel!") # Footprint (structuring element) for erosion if num_spatial_dims == 2: footprint = torch.tensor(disk(self.border_thickness), dtype=torch.int32) else: footprint = torch.tensor(ball(self.border_thickness), dtype=torch.int32) # Original size original_size = data.shape # Make sure to work with int32 tensors if type(data) is np.ndarray: data = torch.tensor(data) # Remove singleton dimensions (in a copy) data = data.squeeze() # Allocate output (with the original shape) out = torch.zeros(original_size, dtype=torch.int32) # Make sure we have labels unique_labels = torch.unique(data) if len(unique_labels) == 2 and torch.all(unique_labels == torch.tensor([0, 1])): data_np = data.cpu().detach().numpy() labels_np = ndi.label(data_np)[0].astype(np.int32) data = torch.from_numpy(labels_np) # Calculate bounding boxes regions = regionprops(data.numpy()) # Process all labels serially for region in regions: if region.label == 0: continue # Extract the subvolume cropped_masks = extract_subvolume(data, region.bbox) # Select object mask = (cropped_masks == region.label).to(torch.int32) # Perform erosion eroded_mask = ndi.binary_erosion(mask, footprint) # Crete object and border border = mask - eroded_mask bw_tc = mask + border # Count border pixels twice # Drop objects that have been eroded away? if (bw_tc == 1).sum() == 0 and self.drop_eroded: continue # Insert it into dt_out bbox = region.bbox while bw_tc.ndim < out.ndim: bw_tc = bw_tc[np.newaxis, :] m = len(bbox) // 2 bbox = tuple([0] + list(bbox[:m]) + [1] + list(bbox[m:])) out = insert_subvolume(out, bw_tc, bbox, masked=True) # If needed, pack the result into a MetaTensor and # transfer the metadata dictionary. if is_meta_tensor: out = MetaTensor(out, meta=data.meta.copy()) return out
- monai.transforms.transform.Transform
- abc.ABC
class LabelToTwoClassMaskd (keys: tuple[str] = ('image', 'label'), border_thickness: int = 1, drop_eroded: bool = False)
Maps labels images to two-class masks.
Supported and expected are either 2D data of shape (C, H, W) or 3D data of shape (C, D, H, W).
The alternative possibility of 2D batch data (B, C, H, W) can't robustly be distinguished from 3D (C, D, H, W) data and will result in unexpected labels.
- Keys for the data dictionary.
:int = 1
- Thickness of the border to be created. Please notice that the border is obtained from the erosion of the objects (that is, it does not extend outside the original connected components.
:bool = False
- Objects that are eroded away because smaller than the structuring element (e.g., flat
in z direction) will have only border. Set
drop_eroded = True
to remove also the border.
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class LabelToTwoClassMaskd(MapTransform): """Maps labels images to two-class masks. Supported and expected are either 2D data of shape (C, H, W) or 3D data of shape (C, D, H, W). The alternative possibility of 2D batch data (B, C, H, W) can't robustly be distinguished from 3D (C, D, H, W) data and will result in unexpected labels. """ def __init__( self, keys: tuple[str] = ("image", "label"), border_thickness: int = 1, drop_eroded: bool = False, ) -> None: """Constructor Parameters ---------- keys: tuple[str] Keys for the data dictionary. border_thickness: int = 1 Thickness of the border to be created. Please notice that the border is obtained from the erosion of the objects (that is, it does not extend outside the original connected components. drop_eroded: bool = False Objects that are eroded away because smaller than the structuring element (e.g., flat in z direction) will have only border. Set `drop_eroded = True` to remove also the border. """ super().__init__(keys=keys) self.keys = keys self.border_thickness = border_thickness self.drop_eroded = drop_eroded def __call__(self, data: dict) -> dict: """ Maps a labels image to a two-class mask. Returns ------- data: dict Updated dictionary. """ # Work on a copy of the input dictionary data d = dict(data) # Process the images for key in self.keys: transform = LabelToTwoClassMask( border_thickness=self.border_thickness, drop_eroded=self.drop_eroded ) d[key] = transform(d[key]) return d
- monai.transforms.transform.MapTransform
- monai.transforms.transform.Transform
- abc.ABC
class NormalizedDistanceTransform (reverse: bool = False, do_not_zero: bool = False, in_place: bool = True, add_seed_channel: bool = False, seed_radius: int = 1, with_batch_dim: bool = False)
Calculates and normalizes the distance transform per region of the selected pixel class from a labels image.
- Whether to reverse the direction of the normalized distance transform: from 1.0 at the center of the objects and 0.0 at the periphery, to 0.0 at the center and 1.0 at the periphery.
:bool (optional
, defaultis False)
- This is only considered if
is True. Set to True not to allow that the center pixels in each region have an inverse distance transform of 0.0. in_place
:bool (optional
, defaultis True)
- Set to True to modify the Tensor in place.
:bool = False
- Whether to also add a white disk of radius
at the center of mass of each label in a second channel. seed_radius
:int = 1
- Radius of the disk to be added at the center of mass of each label in a second channel. Ignored if add_seed_channel is False.
:bool (Optional
, defaultis False)
- Whether the input tensor has a batch dimension or not. This is to distinguish between the 2D case (B, C, H, W) and the 3D case (C, D, H, W). All other supported cases are clear.
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class NormalizedDistanceTransform(Transform): """Calculates and normalizes the distance transform per region of the selected pixel class from a labels image.""" def __init__( self, reverse: bool = False, do_not_zero: bool = False, in_place: bool = True, add_seed_channel: bool = False, seed_radius: int = 1, with_batch_dim: bool = False, ) -> None: """Constructor Parameters ---------- reverse: bool Whether to reverse the direction of the normalized distance transform: from 1.0 at the center of the objects and 0.0 at the periphery, to 0.0 at the center and 1.0 at the periphery. do_not_zero: bool (optional, default is False) This is only considered if `reverse` is True. Set to True not to allow that the center pixels in each region have an inverse distance transform of 0.0. in_place: bool (optional, default is True) Set to True to modify the Tensor in place. add_seed_channel: bool = False Whether to also add a white disk of radius `seed_radius` at the center of mass of each label in a second channel. seed_radius: int = 1 Radius of the disk to be added at the center of mass of each label in a second channel. Ignored if add_seed_channel is False. with_batch_dim: bool (Optional, default is False) Whether the input tensor has a batch dimension or not. This is to distinguish between the 2D case (B, C, H, W) and the 3D case (C, D, H, W). All other supported cases are clear. """ super().__init__() self.reverse = reverse self.do_not_zero = do_not_zero self.in_place = in_place self.add_seed_channel = add_seed_channel self.seed_radius = seed_radius self.with_batch_dim = with_batch_dim def _process_single(self, data_label): """Process a single image (of a potential batch).""" # Prepare data out dt_out = np.zeros(data_label.shape, dtype=np.float32) # If needed, allocate the seeds stack dt_seeds = None disk_seed = None if self.add_seed_channel: dt_seeds = np.zeros(dt_out.shape, dtype=np.float32) # Remove singleton dimensions (in a copy) data_label = data_label.copy().squeeze() # Make sure that the input is of integer type if not data_label.dtype.kind == "i": data_label = data_label.astype(np.int32) # Calculate bounding boxes regions = regionprops(data_label) # Process all labels serially for region in regions: if region.label == 0: continue # Extract the subvolume cropped_mask = extract_subvolume(data_label, region.bbox) > 0 # Calculate distance transform dt_tmp = ndi.distance_transform_edt(cropped_mask, return_distances=True) # Normalize the distance transform in place in_mask_indices = dt_tmp > 0.0 if self.reverse: # Reverse the direction of the distance transform: make sure to stretch # the maximum to 1.0; we can keep a minimum larger than 0.0 in the center. if self.do_not_zero: # Do not set the distance at the center to 0.0; the gradient is # slightly lower, depending on the original range. tmp = dt_tmp[in_mask_indices] tmp = (tmp.max() + 1) - tmp dt_tmp[in_mask_indices] = tmp / tmp.max() else: # Plain linear inverse min_value = dt_tmp[in_mask_indices].min() max_value = dt_tmp[in_mask_indices].max() dt_tmp[in_mask_indices] = (dt_tmp[in_mask_indices] - max_value) / ( min_value - max_value ) else: dt_tmp[in_mask_indices] = dt_tmp[in_mask_indices] / dt_tmp.max() # Calculate the center of the connected component seed_tmp = None if self.add_seed_channel: if disk_seed is None: if np.ndim(dt_tmp) == 2: disk_seed = disk(radius=self.seed_radius) elif np.ndim(dt_tmp) == 3: disk_seed = ball(radius=self.seed_radius) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported dimensionality") center_of_mass = np.round( np.mean(np.argwhere(dt_tmp > 0), axis=0) ).astype(int) seed_tmp = np.zeros(cropped_mask.shape, dtype=dt_tmp.dtype) seed_tmp[tuple(center_of_mass)] = 1.0 seed_tmp = ndi.binary_dilation(seed_tmp, structure=disk_seed).astype( np.float32 ) # Insert it into dt_out bbox = region.bbox while dt_tmp.ndim < dt_out.ndim: dt_tmp = dt_tmp[np.newaxis, :] if self.add_seed_channel: seed_tmp = seed_tmp[np.newaxis, :] m = len(bbox) // 2 bbox = tuple([0] + list(bbox[:m]) + [1] + list(bbox[m:])) dt_out = insert_subvolume(dt_out, dt_tmp, bbox) if self.add_seed_channel: dt_seeds = insert_subvolume(dt_seeds, seed_tmp, bbox, masked=True) if self.add_seed_channel: return np.concatenate((dt_out, dt_seeds), axis=0) else: return dt_out def __call__( self, data: Union[torch.Tensor,, np.ndarray] ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculates and normalizes the distance transform per region of the selected pixel class from a labels image and adds it as an additional plane to the image. Returns ------- data: Union[torch.Tensor,, np.ndarray] Updated array (as Tensor) with the normalized distance transform added as a new plane. """ if not type(data) in [torch.Tensor,, np.ndarray]: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported input type {type(data)}.") # Do we have a 2D or 3D tensor (excluding batch and channel dimensions)? effective_dims = get_tensor_num_spatial_dims(data, self.with_batch_dim) if effective_dims not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError("Unsupported geometry.") # Do we have a NumPy array? is_np_array = type(data) is np.ndarray # Keep track of whether we are working with MONAI MetaTensor is_meta_tensor = False meta = None if not is_np_array: is_meta_tensor = type(data) is if is_meta_tensor: meta = data.meta.copy() # This Transform works on NumPy arrays if not is_np_array: data_label = np.array(data.cpu()) else: data_label = data if self.with_batch_dim: out_shape = list(data_label.shape) out_shape[1] = 2 dt_final = np.zeros(tuple(out_shape), dtype=np.float32) for b in range(data_label.shape[0]): dt_final[b] = self._process_single(data_label[b]) else: dt_final = self._process_single(data_label) # Cast to a tensor dt = torch.from_numpy(dt_final) if is_meta_tensor: dt = MetaTensor(dt, meta=meta) # Return the updated data dictionary return dt
- monai.transforms.transform.Transform
- abc.ABC
class NormalizedDistanceTransformd (keys: tuple[str, ...] = ('label',), reverse: bool = False, do_not_zero: bool = False, add_seed_channel: bool = False, seed_radius: int = 1, with_batch_dim: bool = False)
Calculates and normalizes the distance transform per region from the labels image (from an instance segmentation).
:tuple[str, …]
- Keys fot the tensor to be transformed. This transform makes sense for label or mask images only.
- Whether to reverse the direction of the normalized distance transform: from 1.0 at the center of the objects and 0.0 at the periphery, to 0.0 at the center and 1.0 at the periphery.
:bool (optional
, defaultis False)
- This is only considered if
is True. Set to True not to allow that the center pixels in each region have an inverse distance transform of 0.0. add_seed_channel
:bool = False
- Whether to also add a white disk of radius
at the center of mass of each label in a second channel. seed_radius
:int = 1
- Radius of the disk to be added at the center of mass of each label in a second channel. Ignored if add_seed_channel is False.
:bool (Optional
, defaultis False)
- Whether the input tensor has a batch dimension or not. This is to distinguish between the 2D case (B, C, H, W) and the 3D case (C, D, H, W). All other supported cases are clear.
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class NormalizedDistanceTransformd(MapTransform): """Calculates and normalizes the distance transform per region from the labels image (from an instance segmentation).""" def __init__( self, keys: tuple[str, ...] = ("label",), reverse: bool = False, do_not_zero: bool = False, add_seed_channel: bool = False, seed_radius: int = 1, with_batch_dim: bool = False, ) -> None: """Constructor Parameters ---------- keys: tuple[str, ...] Keys fot the tensor to be transformed. This transform makes sense for label or mask images only. reverse: bool Whether to reverse the direction of the normalized distance transform: from 1.0 at the center of the objects and 0.0 at the periphery, to 0.0 at the center and 1.0 at the periphery. do_not_zero: bool (optional, default is False) This is only considered if `reverse` is True. Set to True not to allow that the center pixels in each region have an inverse distance transform of 0.0. add_seed_channel: bool = False Whether to also add a white disk of radius `seed_radius` at the center of mass of each label in a second channel. seed_radius: int = 1 Radius of the disk to be added at the center of mass of each label in a second channel. Ignored if add_seed_channel is False. with_batch_dim: bool (Optional, default is False) Whether the input tensor has a batch dimension or not. This is to distinguish between the 2D case (B, C, H, W) and the 3D case (C, D, H, W). All other supported cases are clear. """ super().__init__(keys=keys) self.keys = keys self._transform = NormalizedDistanceTransform( reverse=reverse, do_not_zero=do_not_zero, add_seed_channel=add_seed_channel, seed_radius=seed_radius, with_batch_dim=with_batch_dim, ) def __call__(self, data: dict) -> dict: """ Calculates and normalizes the distance transform per region from the labels image (from an instance segmentation). Returns ------- data: dict Updated dictionary with modified tensors. """ # Make a copy of the input dictionary d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: dt = self._transform(d[key]) d[key] = dt # Return the updated data dictionary return d
- monai.transforms.transform.MapTransform
- monai.transforms.transform.Transform
- abc.ABC
class OneHotToMask (dtype=torch.int32)
Converts Tensor from one-hot representation to 2D/3D mask image. Supported and expected are either 2D data of shape (C, H, W) or 3D data of shape (C, D, H, W).
The alternative possibility of 2D batch data (B, C, H, W) can't robustly be distinguished from 3D (C, D, H, W) data and will result in unexpected labels.
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class OneHotToMask(Transform): """ Converts Tensor from one-hot representation to 2D/3D mask image. Supported and expected are either 2D data of shape (C, H, W) or 3D data of shape (C, D, H, W). The alternative possibility of 2D batch data (B, C, H, W) can't robustly be distinguished from 3D (C, D, H, W) data and will result in unexpected labels. """ def __init__(self, dtype=torch.int32): super().__init__() self.dtype = dtype def __call__(self, data: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Transform one-hot Tensor to 2D/3D label image.""" if data.ndim in [3, 4]: # Either 2D data: (C, H, W) or 3D data: (C, D, H, W). # The alternative possibility of 2D batch data (B, C, H, W) is not supported # (but can't be distinguished) and will result in unexpected labels. return data.argmax(dim=0, keepdim=True).type(self.dtype) elif data.ndim == 5: # Unsupported >=3D batch data: (B, C, Z, H, W) raise ValueError( "(B, C, Z, H, W) dimensions not supported! Please pass independent tensors from a batch." ) else: # Unclear dimensionality raise ValueError( "The input tensor must be of dimensions (C, D, H, W) or (C, H, W)." )
- monai.transforms.transform.Transform
- abc.ABC
class OneHotToMaskBatch (dtype=torch.int32)
Converts batches of Tensors from one-hot representation to 2D/3D mask image. Supported and expected are either batches of 2D data of shape (B, C, H, W) or batches of 3D data of shape (B, C, D, H, W).
The alternative possibility of single 3D data (C, D, H, W) can't robustly be distinguished from batched 2D (B, C, H, W) data and will result in unexpected labels.
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class OneHotToMaskBatch(Transform): """ Converts batches of Tensors from one-hot representation to 2D/3D mask image. Supported and expected are either batches of 2D data of shape (B, C, H, W) or batches of 3D data of shape (B, C, D, H, W). The alternative possibility of single 3D data (C, D, H, W) can't robustly be distinguished from batched 2D (B, C, H, W) data and will result in unexpected labels. """ def __init__(self, dtype=torch.int32): super().__init__() self.dtype = dtype def __call__(self, data: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Transform batches of one-hot Tensors to batches of 2D/3D label images.""" if data.ndim in [4, 5]: # Either 2D batch data: (B, C, H, W) or 3D batch data: (B, C, D, H, W). # The alternative possibility of single 3D data (C, D, H, W) can't robustly # be distinguished from batched 2D (B, C, H, W) data and will result in unexpected # labels. return data.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=True).type(self.dtype) else: # Unclear dimensionality raise ValueError( "The batched input tensor must be of dimensions (B, C, D, H, W) or (B, C, H, W)." )
- monai.transforms.transform.Transform
- abc.ABC
class TwoClassMaskToLabel (object_class: int = 1, border_thickness: int = 1)
Maps a two-class (object and border) mask to labels image.
Supported and expected are either 2D data of shape (C, H, W) or 3D data of shape (C, D, H, W).
The alternative possibility of 2D batch data (B, C, H, W) can't robustly be distinguished from 3D (C, D, H, W) data and will result in unexpected labels.
@TODO: Add with_batch_dim support.
:int = 1
- Class of the object pixels. Usually, object pixels have class 1 and border pixels have class 0.
:Optional[int] = None
- Thickness of the border to be added. If set, it should be the same as the one used in LabelToTwoClassMask(d), but it is optional (and disabled by default).
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class TwoClassMaskToLabel(Transform): """Maps a two-class (object and border) mask to labels image. Supported and expected are either 2D data of shape (C, H, W) or 3D data of shape (C, D, H, W). The alternative possibility of 2D batch data (B, C, H, W) can't robustly be distinguished from 3D (C, D, H, W) data and will result in unexpected labels. @TODO: Add with_batch_dim support. """ def __init__(self, object_class: int = 1, border_thickness: int = 1): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- object_class: int = 1 Class of the object pixels. Usually, object pixels have class 1 and border pixels have class 0. border_thickness: Optional[int] = None Thickness of the border to be added. If set, it should be the same as the one used in LabelToTwoClassMask(d), but it is optional (and disabled by default). """ super().__init__() self.object_class = object_class self.border_thickness = border_thickness def __call__( self, data: Union[torch.tensor,, np.ndarray] ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Maps a two-class mask to a labels image. Parameters ---------- data: Union[torch.tensor,, np.ndarray] Input tensor Returns ------- tensor: torch.Tensor | monai.MetaTensor Tensor as with label image. """ if not type(data) in [torch.Tensor,, np.ndarray]: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported input type {type(data)}.") # Keep track of whether we are working with MONAI MetaTensor is_meta_tensor = type(data) is # Get the number of spatial dimensions num_spatial_dims = get_tensor_num_spatial_dims(data, with_batch_dim=False) # Make sure the channel dimension has only one element if data.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError("The input tensor must have only one channel!") # Original shape original_shape = data.shape # Make sure to work with int32 tensors if type(data) is np.ndarray: data = torch.tensor(data) # Remove singleton dimensions (in a copy) data = data.squeeze() # Extract the pixels with selected class data_mask = data == self.object_class # Run a connected-component analysis on the mask labels = torch.tensor(ndi.label(data_mask)[0], dtype=torch.int32) # Do we need to dilate? if self.border_thickness is not None and self.border_thickness > 0: # Allocate result labels_dilated = torch.zeros(data.shape, dtype=torch.int32) # Footprint (structuring element) for dilation if num_spatial_dims == 2: footprint = torch.tensor(disk(self.border_thickness), dtype=torch.int32) else: footprint = torch.tensor(ball(self.border_thickness), dtype=torch.int32) # Process all labels serially for lbl in torch.unique(labels): if lbl == 0: continue # Select object mask = (labels == lbl).to(torch.int32) # Find the indices of the non-zero elements positions = np.where(mask > 0) if not positions[0].size: raise ValueError("No connected components found.") # Determine bounds and apply borders for each dimension bounds = [] for dim in range(num_spatial_dims): min_bound = positions[dim].min() - self.border_thickness max_bound = positions[dim].max() + self.border_thickness + 1 bounds.append((max(min_bound, 0), min(max_bound, mask.shape[dim]))) # Unpack bounds to slicing format slices = tuple( slice(min_bound, max_bound) for min_bound, max_bound in bounds ) # Crop the (extended) mask cropped_mask = mask[slices] # Perform dilation dilated_mask = ndi.binary_dilation(cropped_mask, footprint) # Store in the output labels_dilated[slices][dilated_mask > 0] = lbl # Set labels to the dilated version labels = labels_dilated # Restore original shape while len(labels.shape) < len(original_shape): labels = labels.unsqueeze(0) # If needed, pack the result into a MetaTensor and # transfer the metadata dictionary. if is_meta_tensor: labels = MetaTensor(labels, meta=data.meta.copy()) return labels
- monai.transforms.transform.Transform
- abc.ABC
class TwoClassMaskToLabeld (keys: tuple[str] = ('image', 'label'), object_class: int = 1, border_thickness: int = 1)
Maps a two-class (object and border) mask to labels image.
Supported and expected are either 2D data of shape (C, H, W) or 3D data of shape (C, D, H, W).
The alternative possibility of 2D batch data (B, C, H, W) can't robustly be distinguished from 3D (C, D, H, W) data and will result in unexpected labels.
- Keys for the data dictionary.
:int = 1
- Class of the object pixels. Usually, object pixels have class 1 and border pixels have class 0.
:Optional[int] = None
- Thickness of the border to be added. If set, it should be the same as the one used in LabelToTwoClassMask(d), but it is optional (and disabled by default).
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class TwoClassMaskToLabeld(MapTransform): """Maps a two-class (object and border) mask to labels image. Supported and expected are either 2D data of shape (C, H, W) or 3D data of shape (C, D, H, W). The alternative possibility of 2D batch data (B, C, H, W) can't robustly be distinguished from 3D (C, D, H, W) data and will result in unexpected labels. """ def __init__( self, keys: tuple[str] = ("image", "label"), object_class: int = 1, border_thickness: int = 1, ) -> None: """Constructor Parameters ---------- keys: tuple[str] Keys for the data dictionary. object_class: int = 1 Class of the object pixels. Usually, object pixels have class 1 and border pixels have class 0. border_thickness: Optional[int] = None Thickness of the border to be added. If set, it should be the same as the one used in LabelToTwoClassMask(d), but it is optional (and disabled by default). """ super().__init__(keys=keys) self.keys = keys self.object_class = object_class self.border_thickness = border_thickness def __call__(self, data: dict) -> dict: """ Maps a labels image to a two-class mask. Returns ------- data: dict Updated dictionary. """ # Work on a copy of the input dictionary data d = dict(data) # Process the images for key in self.keys: transform = TwoClassMaskToLabel( object_class=self.object_class, border_thickness=self.border_thickness ) d[key] = transform(d[key]) return d
- monai.transforms.transform.MapTransform
- monai.transforms.transform.Transform
- abc.ABC
class WatershedAndLabelTransform (is_idt: bool = True, use_seed_channel: bool = True, dt_threshold: float = 0.02, use_random_walker: bool = False, with_batch_dim: bool = False)
Calculates the watershed transform and returns a labeled image.
The first channel is expected to be a distance transform (either direct or inverse, and optionally normalized). Optionally, the second channel can contain seeds for the watershed transform.
:bool = True
- Whether the predicted distance transform is inverted or not.
- Whether to use a seed channel for the watershed transform. It is expected that the image to
:float = 0.02,
- Set a threshold for the distance transform to make sure that the background is 0.
:bool = False
- Use random walker algorithm to separate objects instead of watershed. The results are better, but it is extremely slow for 3D data! If use_seed_channel is False, the watershed algorithm will be used even if use_random_walker is set to True.
:bool (Optional
, defaultis False)
- Whether the input tensor has a batch dimension or not. This is to distinguish between the 2D case (B, C, H, W) and the 3D case (C, D, H, W). All other supported cases are clear.
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class WatershedAndLabelTransform(Transform): """Calculates the watershed transform and returns a labeled image. The first channel is expected to be a distance transform (either direct or inverse, and optionally normalized). Optionally, the second channel can contain seeds for the watershed transform. """ def __init__( self, is_idt: bool = True, use_seed_channel: bool = True, dt_threshold: float = 0.02, use_random_walker: bool = False, with_batch_dim: bool = False, ) -> None: """Constructor Parameters ---------- is_idt: bool = True Whether the predicted distance transform is inverted or not. use_seed_channel: bool Whether to use a seed channel for the watershed transform. It is expected that the image to dt_threshold: float = 0.02, Set a threshold for the distance transform to make sure that the background is 0. use_random_walker: bool = False Use random walker algorithm to separate objects instead of watershed. The results are better, but it is extremely slow for 3D data! If use_seed_channel is False, the watershed algorithm will be used even if use_random_walker is set to True. with_batch_dim: bool (Optional, default is False) Whether the input tensor has a batch dimension or not. This is to distinguish between the 2D case (B, C, H, W) and the 3D case (C, D, H, W). All other supported cases are clear. """ super().__init__() self.is_idt = is_idt self.use_seed_channel = use_seed_channel self.dt_threshold = dt_threshold self.use_random_walker = use_random_walker self.with_batch_dim = with_batch_dim def _process_single(self, data_label): """Process a single image (of a potential batch).""" # Create a mask mask = np.abs(data_label[0]) > self.dt_threshold mask = ndi.binary_fill_holes(mask > 0) # Is the predicted distance transform inverted? if self.is_idt: dist = data_label[0] else: dist = -1 * data_label[0] # Label seed points for the watershed? if self.use_seed_channel: p_seed = torch.sigmoid(torch.tensor(data_label[1])) > 0.5 seed_labels, _ = ndi.label(p_seed) else: # Calculate distance transform from the mask distance = ndi.distance_transform_edt(mask) # Apply Gaussian filter to smooth the distance transform smoothed_distance = gaussian_filter(distance, sigma=1) # Non-Maximum Suppression local_max = smoothed_distance == ndi.maximum_filter( smoothed_distance, size=3 ) # Remove background from local_max local_max = local_max & mask # Label the local maxima to create markers seed_labels, _ = ndi.label(local_max) # The distance transform has minima (ideally) in the center of objects if self.use_random_walker and seed_labels is not None: labels = random_walker(dist, labels=seed_labels, beta=10, mode="cg_j") labels = mask * labels else: labels = watershed(dist, markers=seed_labels, mask=mask, connectivity=1) # We return only the label image and drop the original image and the seeds return labels.astype(np.int32) def __call__( self, data: Union[torch.Tensor,, np.ndarray] ) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculates and normalizes the distance transform per region of the selected pixel class from a labels image and adds it as an additional plane to the image. Returns ------- data: Union[torch.Tensor,] Updated array (as a Tensor) with the normalized distance transform added as a new plane. """ if not type(data) in [torch.Tensor,, np.ndarray]: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported input type {type(data)}.") # Do we have a 2D or 3D tensor (excluding batch and channel dimensions)? effective_dims = get_tensor_num_spatial_dims(data, self.with_batch_dim) if effective_dims not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError("Unsupported geometry.") # Do we have a NumPy array? is_np_array = type(data) is np.ndarray # Keep track of whether we are working with MONAI MetaTensor is_meta_tensor = False meta = None if not is_np_array: is_meta_tensor = type(data) is if is_meta_tensor: meta = data.meta.copy() # This Transform works on NumPy arrays if not is_np_array: data_label = np.array(data.cpu()) else: data_label = data if self.with_batch_dim: # Output is with one channel only input_shape = list(data_label.shape) input_shape[1] = 1 output_shape = tuple(input_shape) dt_final = np.zeros(output_shape, dtype=np.float32) for b in range(data_label.shape[0]): dt_final[b] = self._process_single(data_label[b]) else: dt_final = self._process_single(data_label) # Cast to a tensor dt = torch.from_numpy(dt_final) if is_meta_tensor: dt = MetaTensor(dt, meta=meta) # Return the updated data dictionary return dt
- monai.transforms.transform.Transform
- abc.ABC
class WatershedAndLabelTransformd (keys: tuple[str, ...] = ('label',), use_seed_channel: bool = True, use_random_walker: bool = False, with_batch_dim: bool = False)
Calculates the watershed transform and returns a labeled image.
The first channel is expected to be a distance transform (either direct or inverse, and optionally normalized). Optionally, the second channel can contain seeds for the watershed transform.
:tuple[str, …]
- Keys fot the tensor to be transformed. This transform makes sense for label or mask images only.
- Whether to use a seed channel for the watershed transform. It is expected that the image to
:bool = False
- Use random walker algorithm to separate objects instead of watershed. The results are better, but it is extremely slow for 3D data! If use_seed_channel is False, the watershed algorithm will be used even if use_random_walker is set to True.
:bool (Optional
, defaultis False)
- Whether the input tensor has a batch dimension or not. This is to distinguish between the 2D case (B, C, H, W) and the 3D case (C, D, H, W). All other supported cases are clear.
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class WatershedAndLabelTransformd(MapTransform): """Calculates the watershed transform and returns a labeled image. The first channel is expected to be a distance transform (either direct or inverse, and optionally normalized). Optionally, the second channel can contain seeds for the watershed transform. """ def __init__( self, keys: tuple[str, ...] = ("label",), use_seed_channel: bool = True, use_random_walker: bool = False, with_batch_dim: bool = False, ) -> None: """Constructor Parameters ---------- keys: tuple[str, ...] Keys fot the tensor to be transformed. This transform makes sense for label or mask images only. use_seed_channel: bool Whether to use a seed channel for the watershed transform. It is expected that the image to use_random_walker: bool = False Use random walker algorithm to separate objects instead of watershed. The results are better, but it is extremely slow for 3D data! If use_seed_channel is False, the watershed algorithm will be used even if use_random_walker is set to True. with_batch_dim: bool (Optional, default is False) Whether the input tensor has a batch dimension or not. This is to distinguish between the 2D case (B, C, H, W) and the 3D case (C, D, H, W). All other supported cases are clear. """ super().__init__(keys=keys) self.keys = keys self._transform = WatershedAndLabelTransform( use_seed_channel=use_seed_channel, use_random_walker=use_random_walker, with_batch_dim=with_batch_dim, ) def __call__(self, data: dict) -> dict: """ Calculates and normalizes the distance transform per region from the labels image (from an instance segmentation). Returns ------- data: dict Updated dictionary with modified tensors. """ # Make a copy of the input dictionary d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: dt = self._transform(d[key]) d[key] = dt # Return the updated data dictionary return d
- monai.transforms.transform.MapTransform
- monai.transforms.transform.Transform
- abc.ABC