Module iaf.plot

Plotting functions.



Utility plotting functions.


Validation plotting functions.


def add_fit(fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes, x: Union[numpy.ndarray, list], y_hat: Union[numpy.ndarray, list], a: Optional[None] = None, b: Optional[None] = None, sse: Optional[None] = None, model_for_legend: str = 'linear', legend_location: str = 'best', dpi: int = 150, out_file_name: Union[ForwardRef(None), pathlib.Path, str] = None) ‑> tuple

Add another fit to an existing plot_data() figure.


fig : Figure
A matplotlib figure.
ax : Union[np.ndarray, list]
A matplotlib figure axis.
x : Union[np.ndarray, list]
List or array of independent values x.
y_hat : Union[np.ndarray, list] (Optional)
List or array of predicted values y_hat.
a : Union[None, float] (Optional)
Value of the slope of the predicted line (to be shown in the legend).
b : Union[None, float] (Optional)
Value of the intercept of the predicted line (to be shown in the legend).
sse : Union[None, float] (Optional)
Value of the sum of squared difference between y and y_hat (to be shown in the legend).
model_for_legend : str (Optional)
Set the type of the model to be displayed (based on parameters a and b) in the legend. One of "linear", "exp", "log", "sqrt"; default is "linear".
legend_location : str (Optional)
Location of the legend. By default, it is 'best'. See
dpi : int (Optional)
Resolution of the figure (please notice, this is set whether the figure is saved or not).
out_file_name : Union[None, Path, str] (Optional)
Full file name to save the figure. The figure is only displayed if no file name is passed.


handles : tuple
Tuple with current figure and axes.
def imshow(img: numpy.ndarray, *, cmap: Union[ForwardRef(None), str, matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap] = None, auto_stretch: bool = False, clip_percentile: float = 0.0, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes = None, title: Optional[str] = None, title_font_size: Optional[int] = 10) ‑> None

Wrapper around matplotlib.pyplot.imshow that allows for toggling intensity stretching, hides axes, maximizes the canvas.


img : np.ndarray
2D image to be displayed. The image can be gray-value (2D array) or RGB. If RGB, it must be in YXC or YXCA format.
cmap : None|str|ListedColormap
Color map to be used (optional). Only applies to gray-value images and is ignored for RGB images.
auto_stretch : bool
Whether to auto-stretch intensities for visualisation (optional, default = False). Please notice that this only applies to images of type np.uint8 or np.uint16: float images will always be stretched.
clip_percentile : float (Optional, default = 0.0)
Percentile to clip intensity in the low and high parts of the dynamic range. Ignored if auto_stretch is False. As for auto_stretch, this only applies to images of type np.uint8 and np.uint16.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes (Optional, default = None)
Axis handle. Pass a valid axes handle to display the image there; if omitted, a new figure and a new set of axes will be created.
title : str
Title for current axes (optional).
title_font_size : int
Font size for the title of current axes (optional).
def plot_data(x: Union[numpy.ndarray, list], y: Union[numpy.ndarray, list], data_name: str = 'y', x2: Union[ForwardRef(None), numpy.ndarray, list] = None, y_hat: Union[ForwardRef(None), numpy.ndarray, list] = None, a: Optional[None] = None, b: Optional[None] = None, sse: Optional[None] = None, model_for_legend: str = 'linear', errors: Union[ForwardRef(None), numpy.ndarray, list] = None, errors_label: Optional[str] = None, legend_location: str = 'best', label_x: str = 'x', label_y: str = 'y', lim_x: Optional[None] = None, lim_y: Optional[None] = None, marker_size: int = 100, alpha: float = 0.75, split_series: bool = True, figure_size: tuple = (12, 8), dpi: int = 150, out_file_name: Union[ForwardRef(None), pathlib.Path, str] = None) ‑> tuple

Flexible plotting function for raw data (single or multiple series), fitted model (optional) and error bars (optional).


x : Union[np.ndarray, list]
List or array of independent values x.
y : Union[np.ndarray, list]
List or array of dependent/target values y.
data_name : str (Optional, default = "Data")
Name of the data set to be displayed in the legend.
x2 : Union[None, np.ndarray, list] (Optional)
List or array of independent values x; it is used to plot the predicted value y_hat. Omit if x2 is the same as x (in the case x is (m x n), x2 will be x[0, :]). If specified, it must be a (1 x n) array.
y_hat : Union[np.ndarray, list] (Optional)
List or array of predicted values y_hat. If specified, it must be a (1 x n) array.
a : Union[None, float] (Optional)
Value of the slope of the predicted line (to be shown in the legend).
b : Union[None, float] (Optional)
Value of the intercept of the predicted line (to be shown in the legend).
sse : Union[None, float] (Optional)
Value of the sum of squared difference between y and y_hat (to be shown in the legend).
alpha : float (Optional)
Transparency (between 0.0 and 1.0) for the dots in the scatter plot.
split_series : bool (Optional)
Set to True (default) to display different series as separate scatter plots with own color, or to False to have them all in one plot (and one color).
model_for_legend : str (Optional)

Set the type of the model to be displayed (based on parameters a and b) in the legend. One of "linear", "exp", "log", "sqrt"; default is "linear".

errors : Union[None, np.ndarray, list] (Optional)
Errors to be plotted on the data. If specified, it must be a (1 x n) array.
errors_label : Union[None, str] = None
Name of the errors for the legend.
legend_location : str (Optional)
Location of the legend. By default, it is 'best'. See
label_x : str (Optional)
Label of the x-axis (by default it is set to "x").
label_y : str (Optional)
Label of the y-axis (by default it is set to "y").
lim_x : Union[None, tuple] (Optional)
By default the extent of the data vector x defines the x-axis limit range. Explicitly set to a tuple (x_min, x_max) to override the x-axis limits. Either one of x_min or x_max can be None if current value should not be changed. In detail: If lim_x is None: The x-axis range will be defined by the limits of the data vector x. If lim_x is (None, None): The x-axis range will be defined by the limits of everything plotted. If lim_x is (0, None): The x-axis range will be 0 to the higher limit of everything plotted. If lim_x is (None, 100): The x-axis range will from the lower limit of everything plotted to 100. If lim_x is (0, 100): The x-axis range will go from 0 to 100.
lim_y : Union[None, tuple] (Optional)
By default the extent of the data vector/array y defines the y-axis limit range. Explicitly set to a tuple (y_min, y_max) to override the y-axis limits. Either one of y_min or y_max can be None if current value should not be changed. In detail: If lim_y is None: The y-axis range will be defined by the limits of the data vector/array y. If lim_y is (None, None): The y-axis range will be defined by the limits of everything plotted. If lim_y is (0, None): The y-axis range will be 0 to the higher limit of everything plotted. If lim_y is (None, 100): The y-axis range will from the lower limit of everything plotted to 100. If lim_y is (0, 100): The y-axis range will go from 0 to 100.
marker_size : int (Optional)
Size of the marker. By default, it is set to 100.
split_series : bool (Optional)
Set to True (default) to display different series as separate scatter plots with own color, or to False to have them all in one plot (and one color).
figure_size : tuple (Optional)
Size of the figure.
dpi : int (Optional)
Resolution of the figure (please notice, this is set whether the figure is saved or not).
out_file_name : Union[None, Path, str] (Optional)
Full file name to save the figure. The figure is only displayed if no file name is passed.


handles : tuple
Tuple with current figure and axes.
def show_labels(labels: numpy.ndarray, cmap=None, plot_centroids: bool = False, plot_labels: bool = False, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes = None, title: Optional[str] = None, title_font_size: Optional[None] = 10.0, label_font_size: Union[float, str, ForwardRef(None)] = 10.0) ‑> None

Plots a labels image with a suited color map by default.


labels : np.ndarray
2D label image to be displayed. The image must be a label image.
cmap : None|ListedColormap
Color map to be used (optional). If omitted, a suitable one will be used.
plot_centroids : bool
Set to True to plot the centroids of the labels. Only one of plot_centroids and plot_labels can be True.
plot_labels : bool
Set to True to plot the label number on the object. Only one of plot_centroids and plot_labels can be True.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes (Optional, default = None)
Axis handle. Pass a valid axes handle to display the image there; if omitted, a new figure and a new set of axes will be created.
title : str
Title for current axes (optional).
title_font_size : float
Font size for the title of current axes (optional).
label_font_size : float|str
Font size for the labels. It can be either a number or one of {'xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large'}