Module iaf.plot.utils

Utility plotting functions.


def plot_parameter_search_1d(params: Union[numpy.ndarray, list], sses: Union[numpy.ndarray, list], p_best: float = None, sse_best: float = None, label_x: str = 'Parameter', marker_size: int = 100, alpha: float = 0.75, figure_size: tuple = (12, 8), dpi: int = 150, out_file_name: Union[ForwardRef(None), pathlib.Path, str] = None) ‑> None

Plot the SSE values and highlights the position of the minimum.


params : Union[np.ndarray, list]
List or array of parameter values.
sses : Union[np.ndarray, list]
List or array of SSE values.
p_best : float (Optional)
Value of the parameter with the lowest SSE. If not specified, it will be searched.
sse_best : float (Optional)
Value of the lowest SSE. If not specified, it will be searched.
label_x : str (Optional)
Label for the x axis.
marker_size : int (Optional)
Size of the marker. By default, it is set to 100.
alpha : float (Optional)
Transparency (between 0.0 and 1.0) for the dots in the scatter plot.
figure_size : tuple (Optional)
Size of the figure.
dpi : int (Optional)
Resolution of the figure (please notice, this is set whether the figure is saved or not).
out_file_name : Union[None, Path, str] (Optional)
Full file name to save the figure. The figure is only displayed if no file name is passed.
def plot_parameter_search_2d(first_params: Union[numpy.ndarray, list], second_params: Union[numpy.ndarray, list], sses: numpy.ndarray, first_p_best: Union[numpy.ndarray, list, float] = None, second_p_best: Union[numpy.ndarray, list, float] = None, sse_best: Union[numpy.ndarray, list, float] = None, label_x: str = 'First parameter', label_y: str = 'Second parameter', marker_size: int = 200, show_colorbar: bool = False, axis_angle: Optional[None] = None, figure_size: tuple = (16, 12), dpi: int = 150, out_file_name: Union[ForwardRef(None), pathlib.Path, str] = None) ‑> None

Plot the SSE surface and highlights the position of the minimum.


first_params : Union[np.ndarray, list]
List or array of the first parameter values.
second_params : Union[np.ndarray, list]
List or array of the second parameter values.
sses : np.ndarray
2-dimensional array of SSE values.
first_p_best : Union[np.ndarray, list, float] (Optional)
Value(s) of the first parameter with the lowest SSE. If not specified, it will be searched.
second_p_best : Union[np.ndarray, list, float] (Optional)
Value(s) of the second parameter with the lowest SSE. If not specified, it will be searched.
sse_best : Union[np.ndarray, list, float] (Optional)
Value(s) of the lowest SSE. If not specified, it will be searched.
label_x : str (Optional)
Label for the x axis.
label_y : str (Optional)
Label for the y axis.
marker_size : int (Optional)
Size of the marker. By default, it is set to 100.
show_colorbar : bool (Optional)
Set to True to display a colorbar.
axis_angle : tuple (Optional)
Pass a tuple with (elevation, azimuth) to rotate the axis.
figure_size : tuple (Optional)
Size of the figure.
dpi : int (Optional)
Resolution of the figure (please notice, this is set whether the figure is saved or not).
out_file_name : Union[None, Path, str] (Optional)
Full file name to save the figure. The figure is only displayed if no file name is passed.